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*Yoni steaming is a holistic health practice where the warmth of herbal steam gently permeates the vagina. Yoni steaming is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide. This gentle treatment provides effective support for the female reproductive system and will potentially relieve symptoms of Yeast Infection, Bacteria Vaginosis, and any unwanted itching or discharge caused by bad bacteria.

*Our amazing blend of herbs work wonders for your yoni steaming therapy.  We encourage most women to try a yoni steam.  You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy for the following:

? *Reducing menstrual symptoms, such as bloating, cramps, exhaustion, and heavy bleeding
? *Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles, decreases heavy menstrual flow
? *Eases discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness & uterine prolapse
? *Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar
? *Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.
? *Helps to restore bacterial and PH balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis and odors
? *Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain
? *Helps tighten the vaginal canal
? *Detoxification of the womb, body and mind, quick healing and tone the reproductive system after birth

*Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.

  • Made with premium quality Certified Organic and/or Wild Crafted Natural Ingredients
  • No additives, fillers, or preservatives
  • Blended therapeutic benefiting herbs
  • Processed, packaged and quality tested in the USA

Who should NOT yoni steam?

*Women who are pregnant, or think there is any possibility that they might be, should NOT do any type of yoni steaming. Doing so may endanger the pregnancy and can cause contractions of the uterus. For the same reason, it is also not recommended for women who have an Intrauterine Device (IUD). Women who have any type of internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation), or a fever, are encouraged not to steam until the symptoms have passed and visited your doctor.  Women also should not steam while menstruating or when open sores or blisters are present.


How often should I yoni steam?

*As part of an overall self-care regime, we suggest that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. For the postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding).

Directions:   See label on packages for latest information.

*Please ensure no allergic reaction of the herb blend ingredients by rubbing pinch of mixture on forearm BEFORE use

  1.  Boil about 8 cups of water (preferably purified water) in a pot or electric kettle with 1 oz of herbs per steam session
  2. Keep lid on
  3. Steep blend for about 5 minutes or so with the lid on! this allows the strength of the herbs to release within the pot and not evaporate as without a lid
  4. Wave your hand 8-10 inches over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot.
  5. Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water, use caution.
  6. Drape a large blanket or sheet and wrap around your waist down to the floor making sure no steam escapes.
  7. Make sure you keep yourself warm. You do not want any cold air to get into your body while you are steaming. DRINK H2O during your session!!!
  8. Yoni steam for about 20-35 minutes, depending on your comfort. (If steam cools down too quick, you can warm the pot for a few minutes and continue with session
  9. Dispose of the herbs and water out in your garden, grass, dirt, etc.  Recycle with mother nature!!
  10. Please research and follow proper yoni steaming directions and seating safety ideas.
  11. Instructions are fairly simple and is included with EVERY purchase in package.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

Uses: Click on attached photos above for herb information. It’s best to research the herbs for specific “uses, side effects, interactions, etc…”

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